Blue Geode Scented Bouquet



This Blue Geode Scented Bouquet repeats the collection’s characteristic codes, based on the notion of geometry. This common thread can be found on the object, designed by Armand Delsol, notably through screen-printed motifs. Silver-coloured, they marry easily with the similar tone of the metallic ring and create a contrast with the blue lacquer of the glass. Thanks to its charm, assert the style of your rooms, making your interior glamorous and refined. Arrange the twigs in the Blue Geode Scented Bouquet to enjoy the woody and mysterious Under the Olive Tree fragrance. The resinous notes of oud wood and olive wood are enhanced by a patchouli chypre base, forming a seductive olfactory composition. The warm and fascinating scents of the Mediterranean brush are subtly diffused into the atmosphere. Your mind easily wanders to the heart of the Mediterranean landscapes.

SKU: 006836
Barcode: 3127290068361

Height 21 cm
Width 6.9 cm
Length 6.9 cm
Material Lacquered glass
Color Blue
Reference 006836
Regulatory information Isopropanol. Highly flammable liquid and vapour. Causes serious eye irritation. May cause drowsiness or dizziness.


Maison Berger

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