Garnet Prism Scented Bouquet



The design of the Garnet Prism Scented Bouquet, created by Armand Delsol, was inspired by the Baroque decoration style. Both the crimped silver ring crafted in relief, and the facetted body of the bouquet diffuser demonstrate certain opulence. The successive facetted glass pieces, with their deep shine, form a stained glass window effect, ready to sublime your decoration. This modern geometric style is enhanced by the garnet colour, providing warmth and character to the room. The Garnet Prism Scented Bouquet enables you to create a noble and chic atmosphere. Its elegantly placed twigs deliver a fresh and woody fragrance. Wilderness is the unexpected encounter of lemon’s zesty scents and that of tomato leaves, recognisable by their so-unique green notes. The ensemble is sublimed by the leathery scent of white birch over woody bottom notes, for a powerfully masculine result. Let a little corner of nature enter into your home!

SKU: 006964
Barcode: 3127290069641

Height 27.3 cm
Width 10.3 cm
Length 8.6 cm
Material Lacquered glass
Amount 200 ml
Color Garnet-colored
Reference 006964


Maison Berger

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