Orange Blossom scented bouquet



The Orange Blossom scented bouquet is timeless and you’re bound to love it! Practical and attractive, it can fit into any room in the house. Thanks to the transparency of the glass, it plays with the light, space and visible elements around it. This object adds lightness and elegance to your home. The corners of its cubic shape are rounded and add a first touch of softness. The silver-coloured ring adds a final touch of radiance. Pre-filled, all you need to do to use this Orange Blossom scented bouquet is to soak a few reeds. Diffusion can then begin and you can breathe in the green and floral accords of this olfactory composition. Orange blossom and jasmine come together as one to illuminate your days and make the atmosphere warmly comfortable. Thanks to our refills, this fragrance can be renewed as often as you like!

SKU: 006876
Barcode: 3127290068767

Height 22.5 cm
Width 7 cm
Length 7 cm
Material Glass
Amount 125 ml
Reference 006876
Regulatory information Isopropanol. geraniol. linalyl acetate. citronellol. linalol. d-limonene. Highly flammable liquid and vapour. Causes serious eye irritation. May cause drowsiness or dizziness.


Maison Berger

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