Orange Cinnamon Scented Bouquet



This elegant glass cube is topped by a ring and its bouquet of black twigs, for a contemporary design. The twigs, created in engineered polymer, guarantee optimal diffusion of the fragrance without discolouration in the solution. Product ready to use, filled with 125ml of the Orange Cinnamon fragrance. The freshness of citrus fruits combined with the warmth of spices and candied fruits, warmed with a note of amber and sensual white musk. Fragrance guaranteed without any colourants.

SKU: 006002
Barcode: 3127290060020

Material Glass
Color Transparente
Reference 006002
Regulatory information Isopropanol. cinnamic aldehyde. D-limonene. coumarin. eugenol. alphamethylcinnamaldehyde. cinnamyl nitrile. Highly flammable liquid and vapour. Causes serious eye irritation. May cause drowsiness or dizziness. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.
Duration of broadcast + / – 4 weeks
Volume 125 ml


Maison Berger

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