White Cashmere Scented Bouquet



This White Cashmere Scented Bouquet captures light and plays with sun rays, while lightening the space with its timeless translucent design. Refined and contemporary all the way into its curves, this object enhances your interior. Its round curves provide a dulcet and almost poetic aspect to your decoration. Although still present, the straight conventional lines, full of rigour, balance with elegance and harmony. Finally, the silver ring topping the glass body, provides a touch of brilliance to the object. The prefilled White Cashmere Scented Bouquet delivers scented notes of great purity, with enveloping lightness. The woody sensuality of cashemeran mingles with magnificent orange blossom and sweet white musk, in a beautifully fresh fragrance. Its subtle fragrance, with woody and floral notes, illuminates the room, for a heady and delicate atmosphere.

SKU: 006973
Barcode: 3127290069733

Height 22.5 cm
Width 7 cm
Length 7 cm
Material Glass
Amount 125 ml
Color Transparent
Reference 006973


Maison Berger

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