Winter Festive Pine Scented Bouquet



The Winter Festive Pine Scented Bouquet is an essential perfume to create a warm and festive atmosphere in your interior. Its frosted glass and ice cube shape, its captivating and elegant cold beauty, will immediately transport you to a snowy land of end of year celebrations. As will its woody and refreshing Festive Pine fragrance, with invigorating scents that remind you of snow covered trees and winter walks. The vivifying coolness of green notes combines with the woody and resinous scents of pine balm and sandalwood in a beautiful ode to nature. The Winter Festive Pine Scented Bouquet can create an enveloping atmosphere that is conducive to conviviality. It is now part of the fairytale decorum with the same value as the tree with its decorations, magnificently prepared tables and the traditional wrapped gifts. Once the magic of the season has passed, you can refill it with the perfume of your choosing to enjoy it throughout any season. SKU: 006898, Barcode: 3127290068989


Maison Berger

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